I can't believe the changes that Madelyn has gone through in this first month of her life! She is more alert - following voices and faces. She is starting to consider smiling (not just an involuntary smile). She is a very content baby - happy to sit in our arms and look around. The first few baths Mady screamed bloody murder but now she sits wide eyed and enjoying it! All 4 grandparents are here visiting us and they too are enamored by her! Luckily we haven't had any fist fights about who gets to hold her :).
Sigel is also loving the grandparent attention - he has gotten sugar on his cereal, extra help in math, and lots of games of Uno & cards in. He is soaking in all the attention & will go through withdrawl when they all leave! We have also put the grandparents to work! The Dads have been helping Tristan build a chicken coop and other random projects around the house. The mom's are cooking & doing dishes and laundry and holding Mady. We are enjoying & appreciating the help so much! Today we did the feeding project and the 4 parents did all of the dishes - 80 plates & forks!
1 comment:
Oh she is just doll! So adorable. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow and change?
The cradle is gorgeous, and so special. Good job Tristan!
It's great that your families are there and get to love on that new grandbaby!
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