Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ramblings on growing up

just my thoughts...

My kids are growing up. This is a good thing. This makes me a little sad sometimes...but just for a few seconds and then I'm glad again, because growing up is good.

For example, I was nostalgic when we moved out the crib 2 weeks ago and put Ali in a big-girl bed...and then we didn't sleep for the next 2 weeks thanks to Ali waking up every 20 minutes and I thought - no way do I want to be in infant stage forever - and go back to not sleeping! I like my kids growing up. ((btw we're back to sleeping again)).

We've also been potty training Ali - for a few weeks I didn't know if it was worth the many puddles I was wiping up each day and panties I was scrubbing. And yet, NOW she's got it down! Yahoo! yes, yes, I like this growing up thing. (almost) NO more diapers!

I just turned 30. I am growing up too. Maybe there's something about turning 30 that makes you evaluate your life - I'm an adult now.  Am I acting like one? What are the childish things that I"m holding onto that I need to leave behind? Am I living by the values that I want to be living in my life? Am I making excuses for my bad habits or lack of fruit or am I going to face the pain of growth and do something about it? Am I happy with where I'm at with my walk with God? Am I actively growing?

When Tristan turned 30 he decided it was time to drink coffee black instead of with creamer.  Maybe there are some things we all need to cut out of our lives so we can grow --because it's good to get rid of the diapers.

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