Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My cute kids!

We have been incredibly busy the last couple months but it doesn't mean that we haven't had some fun too :).  

 Everytime Maddy wants to wear a headband she wants me to too :). sometimes I oblige...
Maddy loves to make Ali laugh - and Ali loves to laugh for Maddy!

 Isaac (cousin!) and Maddy playing with their rainboots in the rain
 park at the coffee shop!!!!

 taking a break from the fun to drink water from a bag.

  Last week we disappeared as a family and went to the lake for the day - we couldn't swim in the lake but we walked around, ate fish and played around a freezing cold pool. It was a wonderful get away from the craziness and good time to catch up with each other. Sigel picked the location - it was the last get away before school started :).

 our puppies are now 8 weeks old! they are adorable and lots of fun...but too many :) lol.

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