Nothing too earth shattering has happened since I last blogged but I'll fill you in on the every day stuff. My car has been in the shop for the last 3 weeks - torture for me. I'm feeling a bit stuck at home and it'll take another 2 weeks at the least to get it fixed - and on top of that it's costing $1,000 to get it fixed. The transmission has been going out for a few months and we were ignoring it - it finally got to the point that we couldn't ignore it any more. We're not waiting for the part to be brought into the country and then hopefully they'll get it fixed fast. It's been especially hard the days that Tristan goes out to El Ayudante to work and Sigel and I are home for 2 days - those days are long. I'm so tired of bumming rides.
Tristan has gotten a lot done at El Ayudante. He was given the go-ahead on spending some money so he was able to buy all the hardware for putting in the doors and that's his current project. He's also going to be really good friends with his welder because he'll be making awnings and security bars for all the windows in the building ( I think there is 11?). His next goal is to completely secure the building. The girls bathroom is 90% completely finished! And now we start on the boys. Tristan is working on finding some good block layers to put block in on the medical clinic during the month of December as well (thanks to all those who gave $$$ while we were in the states). So it's exciting to see what's happening at El Ayudante. We were supposed to have a team this last weekend to put blocks on the medical clinic but they postponed until December.
Sigel is doing pretty good. He's doing really well in school and his English is very exciting. He understands most of what Tristan and I say to him in English and although he's not answering in English as much as we'd like him to, he's getting so much better! We weighed him this week and he is 12 pounds heavier than when we got him - I guess we know how to put on the pounds :). This week has been a hard week with his anger. He is getting angry over everything! Anytime we correct him or ask him to stop doing something or do something he gets a huge attitude and cries and carries on like it's the worst thing in the world (last night it was opening the gate for Tristan to pull the car in). It's very frustrating to know that every time we ask him to do something it's going to start WW3. Hopefully this will break soon. He's got a lot of anger in his heart from his past that we are trying to work through.
On Friday we went to Marisol's graduation from Beautician school. She is one of our transitioning orphans and she was SO EXCITED that she had a family that was coming to her graduation - there was 7 of us that went to cheer her on. She kept asking us to take more pictures of her - it was very funny. It was supposed to start at 9am - didn't start until 10:45am and then we didn't leave until noon - it was a long morning of sitting - but totally worth supporting her! Now that she's graduated this trade school, we're finding her an internship to get more experience and she will be finishing her high school years (2 left) starting in January at the local high school.
Because the team cancelled for yesterday, we had a Saturday with no plans! wow. So of course we filled it up :). We first went mini golfing with our friends the Mattica's - very fun and Sigel loved it. I got pretty sunburned because it was hot! Then Sigel went to play with Joshua for the afternoon so Tristan and I could have a much needed date. We went to our pueblo and ate at the corner pizza shop, walked around the pueblo and window-shopped, bought choco-banana's (Tristan's fav) and then read part of our marriage book that we're reading together. It was very relaxing. Then last night we decorated our Christmas tree! Sgiel had a blast and quickly caught on to what was going on. He wore a Santa hat all night and Bailey and Max took turns wearing the reindeer antlers we had. It was a fun night.
Marisol graduating / Sigel & Bailey in the Christmas spirit! :)
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