Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sigel turns 12!

Last Friday was Sigel's 12th birthday. Thursday night Tristan and I went shopping (because Yes we always wait until the last minute) for his gifts and stuff for the party. We had a great time shopping - it's just fun to buy and have a party for someone that will appreciate it so much! For the party we bought CARS plates, cups, streamers etc. because he loves CARS the movie.

Friday morning Tristan woke Sigel up early and the went out on a bike ride - they were both so excited about it :). They came home with stories of riding down stairs and through trees and down steep hills etc. Pancakes was a must for breakfast (his favorite) and then he had school. After school we ate lunch quick and then headed down to town to take him to the movies for the first time. We watched "lluvia de hamburguesas" or "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" which was pretty cute. He was very overwhelmed by the big screen and confused by the folded up seats ("Ma, how do you sit on these?" he asked). He laughed his way through the movie while stuffing his face with popcorn. The movie was dubbed into Spanish but amazingly enough Tristan and I understood most of it. Maybe our spanish IS getting better. After the movies we went to the game arcade (another first for Sigel) and played some motorcycle racing games and air hockey (I attempted to loose but still won...oops). He then picked KFC for dinner - because it has a huge play place and he loves fried chicken! After dinner we headed up the hill to host a game night/birthday party for Sigel. He had chosen the guest list and was pretty excited. So we played Spoons and UNO and then opened presents and sang and ate cake and played more games. we talked with his adoptive family on Skype and as soon as everyone left he put himself to bed - it was a full day and he was pooped.
We had attempted to not get Sigel many presents because we didn't want him to think it was all about presents and start a precedence for presents - but I don't think we did very good - he had quite a pile when we combined them all. :) He was so thankful for the day and all we'd done. When I asked him what he was thinking (one of my favorite questions, he'd say how bit the theatres were or something like that. It was cute. it's so fun being a part of all of Sigel's first's - however at the same time I feel like I'm robbing the Priors (adoptive family) of all the firsts. But they will have a lot of firsts with him as they get to introduce him to life in the states.

First Tristan helped Sigel get started on the moto games - and after 2 times through, Sigel finished in 2nd! He's quick!

I made a CARS cake for Sigel - it turned out pretty good - and he was surprised and happy by it. It was fun to make - but I was so afraid it would look awful and I'd have to throw it away and we wouldn't have a cake! but it worked out fine so no worries :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Sigel had such a fantastic cumpleanos! Your cake looks amazing.