I can't believe how much we did in the 5 weeks that we were home - we were in Oregon, California, and Colorado, attended 2 weddings, went camping and canoeing down the Russian River, saw SO MANY people, spoke at least 8 times about what we're doing in Honduras, stocked up on supplies to bring back to Honduras, read, Tristan did some house projects for his parents & worked a few days of construction, went sand boarding, and the list goes on and on.
Tristan and I did spend a few days alone camping by the Russian River which was very fun. We had camp fires and caught up and just enjoyed the silence of being the only people in a huge camp ground ( a little spooky). We canoed down the Russian River which the season was almost over so we bottomed out a few times which made for lots of laughs. We got stuck on a log once and it spun us in circles until we got off it. We picnicked on the shores and did not swim because the water was freezing. For dinner we made my childhood camping dinners - tin foil dinners and dough boys. Both turned out fabulous and impressed my hubby with my camping skills.
It was very fun to speak at the churches and Bible studies and share what we do. It's nice to feel supported and remembered even though we're so far away.
Monday night we took the red eye to enter into our 'other world'. It was a long 12 hours of travel but really not that bad. We flew to Miami, slept on the floor for 2 hours and then continued on to Tegucigalpa where Sigel & Miranda were waiting for us - Sigel ran up and gave us the biggest hugs and was very happy. It was so good to see him again! We then ran a few errands in town, had lunch with our friend John, and picked up my car that Jenny had been borrowing for the last 5 weeks. The girls & Sigel had cleaned our house spotless the day before so when we got to the house it looked great! Everything was cleaned and re-organized ( I think I'll be looking for stuff for a while :) ). Bailey (our puppy) is huge and greeted us at the door with a torn up pair of underwear and tablecloth that she took off the line (GRRRR). Max was happy to see us too. :) Right after dinner the power went off for about 3 hours - what a nice welcome to us - so we sat and played Go Fish and Uno with Sigel - it was probably nice that the power went out because then we couldn't do much but spend time with Sigel which is what we needed to do anyways.
There is a bit of culture shock coming back - definitely not used to the the bugs - a cockroach made me jump and I had gotten to the point that they didn't even bother me. Bugs, cold water in the facets, bottled drinking water, power outages, not flushing toilet paper - things that I will 're-get-used-to' and pretty soon not even notice about life here.
We're glad to be home.
Welcome back to Valle! I look forward to seeing you again, i should walk out to see you sometime soon. :-) nice to have you back.
Love getting to see all the pictures, Elizabeth! God bless :)
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