Thursday, September 24, 2009


part 2 of "frustrations" post 
Now I'm going to counter what I had written a few weeks ago about being frustrated with figuring out how to share so that people truly understand what is going on in the world - specifically Honduras. The US is so different than Honduras!  I've seen the other side of that in the last few weeks as we've been sharing with lots and lots of people about what we're doing in Honduras and why. I've seen so much compassion and understanding come from people as they listen to what we're doing and do their best to understand something that is so foreign - you can't 100% understand it unless you've been there, however people try their best to really get it, which I appreciate so much. Compassion without seeing is amazing.  hm... i think that's all I have to say for now about that. But it has been fun to share the last few weeks.

Honduras News
While we're in States right now, Honduras is going through Crisis. If you don't know what's going on - google "Honduran news" and you'll get some articles. Basically the ousted president has snuck back into the country - in the trunk of a car - and is creating havoc throughout the country. The airports are closed, there are road blocks, all land borders are being intermittently closed, there are protests and violence in the streets etc. The big problem is that the ex-president (Mel) wants to regain power while the Honduran Gov't wants to arrest him for all the illegal things he has done. The world is on Mel's side, however I don't think that's good - he's friends with communists and he wants to be a dictator of Honduras. The real injustice is that it's the people of Honduras that are being affected - they are holed up in their houses due to a curfew, because of all of this, food hasn't been brought in so the grocery stores are empty and it is rare for Hondurans to keep a supply of food in the house  - usually only a days worth. So I'm concerned for the people and how they're getting food and clean water. Please be in prayer for Honduras - I don't know what the solution is as it's so convoluted - so I'm praying for God's will.

Stateside news
In other news... we're back in CA running errands, being with family, Tristan's doing some projects around his parent's house, visiting friends etc. We're speaking at some churches this week and next. Hopefully by the 5th of Oct the airport will be open in Honduras and we can return. 

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