Saturday, October 12, 2019

United States through the eyes of my third culture kids

Cold weather means enjoying hot cider and fire places

We are in the US visiting supporting churches and friends of El Ayudante. As the ministry keeps growing, we need more financial support to continue serving our communities and reaching their needs. So instead of Tristan coming on his own for three weeks, we decided to have a go of it as a family.  I almost backed out of the trip after Gabe’s fabulous licking of the restaurant floors a couple weeks before the trip- but the cheap United tickets aren’t refundable… so here we are lol. (I’m glad that we’ve come).

We love playing at parks in the US as there aren't many
playgrounds in Honduras.
I always enjoy watching my kids experience the new culture of the United States - because for them, this is the foreign culture.  For example - Ali loves:

Water fountains (she stops at EVERY. SINGLE. ONE).
Door Bells - so fun to run outside and ring the door bells!
Mail Boxes - we don’t get mail at home so it’s super fun to get people’s mail.
Fish Sticks / Ego Waffles / Good ice cream

Other things are fun conversations and experiences as well - rest stops, Hobby Lobby (seriously overwhelming and awesome), fish sticks, cold weather, etc.

We’ve just finish up week 2 of 3 - on our 3rd of 4 States. The kids are sick of the car, but loving having dessert every night.

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