Sunday, September 15, 2019

A blog about why I don't blog

This is a blog post about why I haven’t been blogging J

1.     I had a baby…and adding this baby into our very busy lives has been a lot more challenging that we imagined…he’s SO busy and intense and wonderful…    In this last year I’ve had to give up a lot of ‘non essentials’ in my time - I want to be ‘crunchy’ and make a lot of food from scratch, however the reality is some days I’m in a microwave popcorn season of life.

2.     We’ve now been in Honduras 12 years! WOW. A lot of what I used to blog about is now my normal. I don’t think it as being different or worthy of blogging about because it’s what I’m used to. Funny how things change and you adapt to the new normal.  And I feel like at some point, I've already told you about 'it'. 

3.     There are definitely stories I’d like to share, but I can’t share them at the risk of sharing others stories publicly. The stories are personal and maybe painful of people that we call friends and neighbors. The ‘real’ good/hard moments just don’t feel appropriate to share on social media or into the huge space of the WWW. In order to respect and honor ‘our’ people where who we deeply and dearly love, some things are just better left unshared.

With all that being said, I’m going to attempt to start blogging a bit more. J I feel so privileged that God has given us this crazy life to live - that each day is still an adventure and I want to share it with you. Our goal as Christians is to bring glory to God, so I will attempt to share my life in this way so you can see how God is working in our communities, and how He is molding my heart and mind through these experiences.

But…I do still have this little dude that loves to eat dirt, lick the floors in restaurants, and can now climb out of his crib on his own. So we'll see how often I actually blog, but I do commit to it being more than once a year.


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