Friday, April 18, 2014

Clinic Advancements

So much has been moving forward in the clinic! It’s super exciting to see how this dream, which began years ago as just some concrete blocks, is now to the point that we’re buying equipment and have hired a doctor that will be starting in July full time!

The first week of April we had a ‘soft opening’ of the clinic – a trial period to see how our ideas are actually going to play out in reality when there are sick people in the clinic waiting to see a doctor. The week went great! We had brainstormed and prepped and planned for this week for months and in the end it all came together! The night before we were in the clinic until at least 10pm and then in early the next morning with last minute things.  We had a doctor and a few others who had spent months finding donated medicine to bring down and they arrived with over 250lbs of medicine to stock the pharmacy!  During the week we saw around 250 patients in the medical side, and over 60 patients in dental. Everyone worked SO HARD to pull it off – I continually felt blessed about the great team of people that we work with.  

The way we regulated patients was by giving out numbers until we hit the maximum amount that our doctors could see in one day (50). On the last day that we had the clinic open, people started showing up at 3:30am for a number, and all the numbers were given away by 5:45am! This is how desperate people are for health care in our area.

A little boy that hadn't walked well since birth came in, and we were able to give him a walker! Not only did they walk away with physical hope, but also the hope that Jesus is their Savior & comforter! It was so great!

Besides the soft opening, we’ve also hired most of our clinic staff – our full time doctor (Dr. Idis) is excellent and has a missional heart, and we also have Dr. Blanca (dentist from last year) and another – Dr. Alejandra who is completely her residency year. And to lead this fabulous crew is Jon & Helen Hovestol – our new missionary couple – who are the clinic coordinators. From now until July we will continue to prepare, complete the requirements to open, and then open sometime in July. Please keep praying for us as we move ahead in opening the clinic and changing lives through providing great health care to our communities!
Dr Alejandra: Dentist   
Dr Idis: General Physician    
Jon & Helen Hovestol

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