Cutie Pie Crazy hair, as my friend has affectionately named Maddy for her Indian name, is now three (May 25th)! She has blessed my life (and challenged it) in ways I never knew possible! I am so happy she is my daughter. I can't believe the amount of love that God puts into Moms (and Dads) for their kids.
Maddy - Day 1 |
Maddy has reached independence - or so she thinks - now wanting to 'do you own' on everything (putting on her shoes, going to the bathroom, finding clothes, using a scissors, picking out food, cracking eggs). she sure knows what she wants in life. I guess that'll be a good thing eventually... ?
She's very serious about doing 'homework' with Sigel when he comes home with school and sometimes you can find the 2 of them swinging in the hammock - maddy talking 1,000 words a minute and Sigel saying 'oh' over and over again. Mady and Ali have a strong bond and are always looking for each other and Maddy often pulls out Ali's binki so she can make Ali laugh :). She has this awesome sense of humor - I can joke with her and usually she gets it and laughs and says "silly mommy".
She has a sweet heart and is so caring for others. She notices people and things - she compliments me on new clothes or earrings - immediately noticing something new on people. She asks people what they like (ex: she knows how everyone likes water in our household - room temp or cold or with ice) and when she'll tell you her birthday she asks when yours is too (and then asks 'why' that's your birthday). She notices things and people and sure knows how love people with all that she is. She talks about how her friend (Sasha) doesn't have a bathroom so we're going to give her a bathroom and how "Daddy is helping her"
Maddy's love language is touch - she still loves to be held as much as we're able, will rub any ear that's available and will quickly cuddle up to most anyone that pays attention to her. Maddy loves living at 'Dante and always having 'the guys' (the teams) here to play with. She talks about how her friend (Sasha) doesn't have a bathroom so we're going to give her a bathroom and how "Daddy is helping her"
That's my sweet girl and I'm a proud Mama. :)
Paints are by far the coolest thing ever! |
She loves to make people laugh and make silly faces |
Maddy was a flower girl for Uncle Jeff and Aunt Mel on her 3rd bday |
Yep - she still has that thumb |
She wants to be held regardless if our hands are full of Ali |
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