Friday, May 14, 2010

And the walls have it!

Let me start at the beginning - June 2008 a wonderful team came to El Ayudante and put the very first bricks on the medical clinic. They had all the foundations poured and put in the beginning walls. Then the clinic sat, and sat, waiting for someone else to come along and put the time and money into finishing the walls. The clinic sat until December 2009 when some funds were raised to hire a local brick layer to finish the job. It's now May 2010 and the walls are finished in the entire 20 room medical clinic! We a huge accomplishment!

With Tristan being the general contractor on the medical clinic - it has been a huge project for him and very time consuming. He's dealing with the workers, ordering and bringing out supplies, communicating with the bosses in the States and then making it happen here, plus dealing with the finances etc. It's been pretty impressive if you ask me. This last week he finished the plumbing plans and sorted out what needed to be bought and then took that out to be put in. By the end of the week the plumbing should be finished and all the floor leveled and ready to poor the floors! The team that started the clinic back in June 2008 are coming back this June to lay the floor and possibly put on the roof. It's been so neat to see all this get done in just 6 months after it had sat for 1 1/2 years. Praise God for progress!!!!

on to other -a bit disturbing news....our land lady just put a new roof on our house (yea for no more leaks!) however when the workers were doing it they found a HUGE tarantula - the kind you only see at a zoo - it had made it's home in our roof. it's the size of Tristan's hand spread wide. gross! We'd really like to fumigate the whole place but we're wondering if it's the best time with a baby coming into the picture any day. ??? This spring has been much worse for bugs then last year.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

oh my word, that spider is HUGE! Just saying, I would have FREAKED out!! I am not a spider person AT ALL! YUCK!!!!