In other news at El Ayudante: thanks to the huge support of many people in the states, we have 1/2 of the walls of the medical clinic completed! We found a great blocklayer that we really like & trust and he & his crew completely finished - with support beams and everything - 1/2 of the clinic walls. We figure that we need another $2,000 to finish the other half. It's so great to see the progress. Thank you so much to everyone that donated blocks for the medical clinic - every penny you gave went to that and it made a huge difference!
A quick update on the youth group - the kids continue to be coming! It's so much fun to see the crowd of teens hungry to learn more about Jesus. A week ago we rented a mini-bus that holds 33 people and offered everyone a ride to CCI - our partnering church - as they were having a special youth service. It's a good thing God can work above our faith because we were once again blown away when we had 19 of us on that bus! The service was great and everyone had a really good time. Our hope is to provide transportation once a month to go down for the youth service at CCI. We've purchased a portable sound system and a projector and hopefully some chairs are coming soon.
Life things: I'm in my 6th month of pregnancy! Time sure flies! I've finally turned to my maternity clothes for more comfort and even strangers can now tell that I'm pregnanct. I feel mostly good although the acid reflux and the insomnia has been pretty annoying - but other than that I'm feeling well.
Sigel has now had 3 weeks of counseling/art therapy and it's a blessing. I wish that it were a quick fix - all these things he's dealing with - but unfortunately the process is a bit longer. His English amazes us - he's just now starting to talk to us in English without prompting - well it's Spanglish but it's a start! One of his teachers has started at the University (GO Skarleth!) which is great for her but I am now also teaching Sigel 1/2 time.
Jorge is enrolled in school and will be starting either this week or next (apparently the school has yet to decide when they are starting). Yesterday we got him all the new clothes he needed for school - uniform shirt with certain color jeans and certain shoes.
Tristan continues to hold us all together. With working with our block layer Tristan has learned a whole lot more about construction in Honduras. He's also working with a guy to fix the well at El Ayudante and working on bids and buying materials for the roof for El Ayudante etc. He has befriended Wilson - the husband of my friend Cynthia and he been a great influence on him. Tristan's patience with Jorge and Santos (teaching them welding etc) is amazing.
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