Monday, May 21, 2018

Staff Day

Being directors of a growing ministry with lots of staff is not something that we were looking for...but here it is.  Once I realized that a big part of our job as leaders is to empower our staff with the tools that they need to do their job well, it helped define where to focus our time. We have both discovered that we really love to do this part of our job - helping our staff do their jobs great is wonderful to be a part of!

Besides staff meetings, trainings, and conferences when we can find them, one of our goals is to take the entire staff out to do team building and training for a day each spring. 

This year we had some helpers from Christian Camping International come and lead our staff in 4 hours of activities with a purpose - team building activities with an intentional discussion afterwards. It was a very powerful day for all of us and a great blessing to have a third party come in to do the discussions. 

After the activities, we ate lunch and then played in the pool and relaxed. The only down side of the day is that we all got super sunburned :). 

Trust Falls

Raising up team members

A group challenge of carrying beaker of water on a piece of wood by
holding onto attached rope.

Then stacking the beakers on top of each other

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