For the last few weeks Ali hasn't been herself - lacking energy and not eating well. But none of her symptoms seemed consistent enough to get an idea of what was going on. We finally decided to try a deparasite medicine just in case. 2 days, Ali choked out a worm! Yes that's what a said - an 8inch live worm came out of Ali's mouth!! After it came out she immediately cuddled into me and fell asleep - obviously happy to have some relief from this worm.
After speaking with the neighbors, our friends, and the Dr, they all assured us this was normal and that all she needs is a different, stronger deparasite medicine. ((they also said it was very dangerous and could even crawl into her brain. -now I was even more freaked out!)). After getting Ali the medicine and carefully watching for any more unexpected crawly things, I started to attempt to wrap my brain around this (no punt intended). What bothered me the most was the reaction of every Honduran we told- that they called in normal - how in the world can you call this 'normal'. ??? And that I had to pay over 2 days the average wage for the medicines she needed...meaning this medicine isn't easily accessible to my neighbors. I can't imagine how that can ever feel common to me and how it would feel to know my child has a worm loose in their body but not have the medicine to make them clean again. What a desperate feeling that must be as a mom - because I felt desperate and I have the resources.
I'm constantly praying that God would keep me sensitive and compassionate to HIS heart towards my neighbors and towards the needs and feelings of my neighbors. I want to always being understanding them better. And boy this worm sure did the trick. Being a mom has been the biggest common denominator I have to my neighbors, and I felt so panicky for them - imagining how they feel when their baby has a sickness that they can do nothing about.
Ali's now feeling great again - back to lots of energy and out-eating her sister! The biggest issue now is Maddy asking about everything that she eats - if it will put a worm in her tummy! :)
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